Who doesn’t love summer? it is that time of the year when we become the most energetic and vibrant version of ourselves. We gather with our mates more often to go for a morning swim, go shopping to our favorite mall or hit the gym at night. Even getting out of bed for work is not as painful as it is in winter.
But sadly, it has a down-side. An unforgivable down-side: Heat! Extreme summer heat is no joke. It has some serious impact on your hair, and eventually… your mood. Spending so much time under the sun sometimes also makes people feel as if the scalp gets itchier.
But what if we told that you there is a brand-new product that makes your head feel ICE-COLD while fighting dandruff at the same time? Head & Shoulders Subzero does just that. Infused with extra menthol, this revolutionizing shampoo tackles the most common hair issues men suffer during summer.