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Getting rid of dandruff is easy. In fact, it takes just two minutes to stay dandruff-free at home1 with our super simple shower routine. Here’s how…


Apply the dandruff-fighting ingredient

It starts the same as any other routine – lather in the shampoo. Do it with Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo and you’ll be lathering in the most proven active ingredient – pyrithione zinc (ZPT).

It’s where your shampoo comes into it’s own, and as you lather up you’ll be depositing thousands of tiny ZPT micro-actives on the scalp where they’re needed most.


Goodbye flakes

Time to rinse. Your shampoo will bind to the dirt, grease and oil that has built up as well as loose flakes and then rinse them out.

But the anti-dandruff action doesn’t stop there – thousands of tiny particles of ZPT are left behind to keep on working when you get out the shower.


Smooth, conditioned hair

Like a separate conditioner too? Well make sure it’s the right one. Most ordinary conditioners will wash away the ZPT left on the scalp so you’ll lose a lot of the anti-dandruff protection.

Not with an anti-dandruff conditioner.

These have been designed to work hand-in-hand with anti-dandruff shampoo. So they leave your hair well conditioned, and alsoleave behind the ZPT to maximixe your protection against dandruff.

Check out our anti-dandruff conditioners


Easy on the towel drying!

If you reach straight for you’re towel after you’ve washed your hair, be careful. Vigorous towel drying is a recipe for knotted and even broken hair.

Try to pat it dry with a towel and wipe away any excess water.

Go easy on the hairdryer too and don’t use the high heat setting – too much heat can dry out the hair and scalp, and may even boil the water molecules inside the hair strand.

This can lead to permanent damage we call ‘bubble hair’ thanks to the way it looks under the microscope. Those areas are pretty weak too so the hair can easily break off.

So there you have it – 2 minutes a day to get rid of dandruff¹

More about dandruff

¹Visible flakes, with regular use