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Find out how summer can aggravate a dandruff problem and what you can do to tackle the root cause of dandruff to keep flakes away.

It’s important to remember, hot weather doesn’t cause dandruff. Although it’s easy to think it might as many people notice their symptoms are aggravated during warmer weather.

Dandruff is in fact a year-round problem for sufferers. It's caused by a microbe on the scalp that’s constantly present regardless of weather conditions, whether it's raining, hailing, or sunny.

More about the causes of dandruff

But during the summer months, there are a number of things which may make the symptoms appear worse, including:

  • HEAT – as temperatures rise, the dandruff-causing microbe Malassezia globosa is more likely to thrive, raising the prospect of a dandruff flare-up.

  • SWEAT – this can also provide ideal conditions for Malassezia globosa to thrive, raising the prospect of a flare-up.

  • POLLUTION – in warmer weather we tend to be outside more and this puts us in contact with more pollutants which can damage your scalp’s natural defenses. With weakened defenses, you’re more at risk of dandruff.

How to keep your scalp protected all summer

The easiest and most effective way to keep dandruff at bay is to use an anti-dandruff shampoo every time you wash your hair.

And that’s where Head & Shoulders comes in. It contains zinc pyrithione which has been clinically proven across hundreds of studies to fight flakes.

While it’s great for getting rid of flakes after a flare-up, it’s most important in helping to prevent them coming back.

It works by protecting your scalp against external factors which we know make dandruff worse. So use it regularly and you’ll keep your protection topped up to keep flakes away for a dandruff-free summer, autumn, winter and spring.

You’ll find some great, refreshing variants for summer too such as our Menthol Refresh shampoo or Citrus Fresh Shampoo which keeps your hair smelling vibrant and looking great.

Find out more about how to get rid of dandruff.