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Festival season is here and that means big bands, big crowds, camping and in many cases, 3 days without a shower.

Preparing your hair for a festival is all about protecting it from the likely stresses it will experience. Whether that’s not showering, damage from the sun or the build up of sweat and grease in the crowds, your hair will face plenty of challenges.

Luckily, you can take a few simple steps to stop your hair looking greasy and make sure you stay flake-free for the whole festival:

1. It’s all in the preparation

The next few days are going to be tough – if not for you, then for your hair. So plan ahead and wash your hair on the morning you leave – not the nightbefore or the day before.

Come the third day of the festival, you’ll be thankful it’s only been 3 days without washing it rather than 4 or 5.

And if you’re worried about a flare-up of dandruff, don’t – Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoos keep you protected for up to 72 hours so even if you don’t shower, your hair is still protected.

2. Weather-proof your hair

Check the weather forecast before you go. If it’s going to be sunny, your hair may be at risk of sun damage if you’re spending long periods outside. So use a conditioner – it means your hair is as nourished and moisturised as possible to reduce damage from the sun. 

But however you prepare, don’t spend too long in the sun – conditioner won’t block out UV rays so you may still experience sun damage

Expecting rain? Make sure to take a bottle of Smooth and Silky 2 in 1 with you to tackle any unexpected frizz

3. Take emergency supplies

Not everyone is lucky enough to be going to a campsite with showers – or at least ones you’d want to use. But even if there aren’t showers, there’s nothing a travel-sized bottle of Head & Shoulders and a bottle of water can’t fix.

Okay, so you won’t exactly get the full shower experience, but a little bit of shampoo rinsed with a bottle of water and your hair won’t look too greasy in this year’s festival photos.

4. Avoid over-heating your head

It’s tempting to wear a hat to shield your head from the sun or hide greasy, unwashed hair after a few days on the campsite. But remember, raising the temperature of your head creates the ideal conditions for dandruff-causing microbes to thrive.

More about the causes of dandruff

So wearing a hat when you’re mingling with the crowd or out in the sun enjoying the music could aggravate your dandruff. Let your head breathe and, if you need a break from the sun, try and find some shade for a few hours.

You never know, you may stumble across a great undiscovered band away from the main stages!

5. Skip the styling products

Hairspray, mousse or hair gel may look good when you set off to the festival, but after a few
days on the campsite, your hair is likely to look pretty greasy.

So let your hair go naked for the festival – if your hair is long, think about plaits or braiding it to keep it under control. It should hold for the whole festival, so you won’t have to un-braid each night and re-braid each morning.

And if it rains, all you need to do is un-do your style and your hair should still have plenty of volume